Moving Information

Moving Guidelines

New UA Employee Moves - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (UA)

Arkansas Code §19-4-522 (e) allows the payment of employee moving expenses from state funds by institutions of higher education. Within the fiscal limitations of departmental units of the University of Arkansas, a Dean, Director, or Department Head may authorize payment up to 10% of the annual salary for new faculty or staff employees. Any amount that exceeds this limit requires approval of the Chancellor, Provost, or a Vice Chancellor. Departments are responsible for obtaining such approval.

Scheduling the move, and the actual move, should be done as soon as possible upon acceptance of employment, within one year from start of employment. The terms of agreement for payment of moving expenses must be outlined in the letter of appointment. When agreement has been made, the University’s obligation applies to the movement of a “household” to accommodate immediate family members, and will be carried out as follows:

  • Allowable Expenses: Up to 10% of salary can be authorized for moving the appointed employee and their immediate family, to include the following types of expenses (upon UA department approval):
    • Moving household goods and personal effects (moveable personal property).
    • Storage fees (in-transit or foreign-move).
    • Lodging to accommodate immediate family members (in-route, and including one (1) nights lodging upon arrival at destination).
    • Personal Transportation (e.g. fuel OR standard mileage rate, toll charges, parking, etc.)
    • Vehicle or trailer rental.
    • Shipping of personal vehicle.
    • Airfare.
    • House hunting.
    • Temporary housing.
  • Non-Allowable Expenses:
    • Meals/Snacks/Beverages in-route during the actual move or during house hunting.
    • Subsequent nights lodging after arrival at destination.
    • Return trips or subsequent trips to former residence.
    • Shipping of recreational vehicles and boats (items not considered household goods).
    • Reimbursement for any moving expenses until the individual is on payroll in employee status.
    • Amounts that exceed the allowance as stated in the letter of appointment, and/or exceed 10% of employee salary, are the individual’s responsibility to cover.


  • The UA has contracted with Armstrong Relocation Services to achieve a structured moving program for new employees. This company is highly recommended and preferred, but not mandatory.
  • Upon UA department approval, if the UA’s contracted moving company is not used, and the initial estimate for moving services exceeds $10,000, we recommend you secure three written moving estimates (including an estimate from Armstrong) and provide explanation if the firm with the lowest estimate is not selected.
  • The employee should provide their moving estimate to their department contact to enter a requisition directly to the moving company.
  • Personal Reimbursements are not recommended; however, it’s understood that some moving expenses may need to be handled with personal funds. Itemized receipts are required for all reimbursement claims. Click HERE for Step by Step Guide.

Contracted Moving Company

  • Armstrong Relocation / United Van Lines:
  • Contract Highlights:
    • Minimum Shipment Weight: 3,400 pounds.
    • Discount: 66%.
    • Fuel Surcharge: Not fixed. Department of Energy determines monthly.
    • Armstrong will supply a written estimate not to exceed 10% quote.
    • Insurance: Full Replacement Value Coverage with NO DEDUCTIBLE is based on $6.00 x weight of the shipment up to $100,000 at NO COST.
  • Benefits and Services Offered:

Benefit Packages


Arranging the move with Armstrong:

  • Employee will contact Armstrong for a moving estimate:
  • Reference E&I Contract Number: CNR-01503
  • Provide the following information:
    • Employee name
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Moving Itinerary (start and destination locations)
    • Lead Time Required: please give Armstrong at least a 3 week advance notice of your move date.
  • During the move contact Armstrong Customer Service Representative:
  • Satellite tracking capabilities are installed on all over-the-road trucks.
  • Andrea will be in contact with the transferee before, during, and after each move, and update the employee through the move process.

Arranging the move with UA:

  • Employee will send the moving estimate to the UA department contact.
  • UA department will enter a requisition in Workday (use SPL-00002546) and include copies of the letter of appointment and moving estimate.
  • The terms of agreement for payment of moving expenses must be outlined in the letter of appointment as received by the new employee.
  • Armstrong will not schedule a move until they receive a PO.

Snap Moves Program:

  • Description/Purpose:
    • United Van Lines started the snap program for smaller shipments, shipments that weigh 4,800 pounds or less (equivalent to most 2 bedrooms apartments).
    • Each shipment is loaded into containers (maximum 4 per shipment). Each container holds approximately 1200 pounds.
    • Containers are loaded at residence and are exclusive to transferee’s household goods (vs. being loaded on a tractor trailer intermingled with multiple other shipments).
  • How to initiate the process:
  • Benefits of the program:
    • Allows exclusive use of containers. No co-mingling with other shipments on a large tractor trailer.
    • Allows for faster and predictable delivery times vs. traditional relocation.
    • If storage is needed, this program allows for much cheaper storage rates than traditional relocation.
    • Perfect solution for small shipments.

Snap Moves 1

Snap Moves 2

Snap Moves 3

Snap Moves 4

Snap Moves 5

Snap Moves 6